Spots Avaliable For 16-17 Season
Still a few spots left on the academy for season 16-17. Do you want to train and play full time while doing a full time education course?...

Pre Season Update
Boys are well into preseason now with the drills becoming more intense and our sessions allowing them to gain more technical ability and...
PlaySoccer USA Online Store OPEN!
The PSUSA online store is now open for business to purchase any extra clothing for players etc. For any further information please do not...

Pre-Season Begins..
First day of PreSeason today...

Pre-Season Starts...
Pre-Season starts this Monday 8:45am (11th July) for our academy. We will have 3 teams competing in the Academy for 2016-17 season. We...

Find Out More...
To learn more and find out what we at PlaySoccer USA Academy have to offer regarding the amazing opportunities and facilities - WATCH...

Starting To Take Shape...
Great evening last night for the PSUSA Academy. The academy squad really taking shape and sure will be a exciting year and hopefully...

June 8th PSUSA Academy Trial night
PSUSA Academy will be holding its 2nd trial night on June 8th starting at 7pm. Recruitment has gone very well so far and we are looking...

Trial Turnout Was Amazing!
Having held our first trial session last night at the PlaySoccer USA Arena it is safe to say we had an amazing turnout. With over 50+...

Last night we received the exciting news that the academy will play in the Central Conference league next season. This will be an...